6354 E Heaton Fresno CA 93727
Tags: 6354 E Heaton
Tags: 6354 E Heaton
Tags: 17383 Paula Madera CA 93636, Madera Foreclosures
Fresno CA – Many of the short sale sellers we help are selling their home to avoid foreclosure. In addition, they are receiving lots of harassing calls from debt collectors.
These debt collectors seem to think that if you call someone with no extra money, then you can still get them to pay. Here is a little tip on how to stop their phone calls.
A friend of mine looks for missing people. The database he uses is also a prominent debt collection database. He told me something interesting.
Apparently people are suing debt collectors for breaking Debt Collection Laws all the time. These lawsuits are expensive for them to defend against and easy for the consumer to file.
(I can’t agree more. In my opinion, the debt collectors knowingly break the rules all the time.)
To help debt collectors avoid future lawsuits they now have a field in their search that flags people that have filed lawsuits. They know that if they harass these people, then they are much more likely to get a lawsuit from them.
As you can see, they are scared! In my last blog post I detailed what were, in my opinion, the different violations of the law. You can read more info on the law at this link and see for yourself if a debt collector is violating it.
If you feel they have violated the law, then find a good lawyer to file suit on your behalf. There are many good lawyers who specialize in helping consumers when a debt collector violates the act.
Just Google “Fair Debt Collections Lawyer.” Many can help you at no cost out of your pocket. They will take your case on a contingency basis and get paid from the money they collect from the debt collector. Thinking about a loan modification?
Our loan modification kit will show you how to reduce your mortgage payment, keep your home, and get back on your feet. Send me an e-mail at steph@stephgreenberg.com to request a Free Copy.
When we talk, I will explain how the process works in detail and answer any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer, you can call me at (559) 916-4382
Thanks for reading this, Stephanie Greenberg.
Stephanie is a Real Estate Agent at London Properties. Fresno Short Sales Realtor:
Phone: (559) 916-4382. steph@stephgreenberg.com.
No Fancy Punchlines, Just GREAT Service!
View My homes for sale at www.stephgreenberg.com.
Stephanie Greenberg specializes in loan modification assistance and short sales in Fresno California. Fresno Loan Modification Help, Fresno Short Sales. Fresno Short Sale Realtor. Clovis CA Loan Modification Help, Clovis CA Short Sales. Clovis CA Short Sale Realtor. Fresno CA Short Sales. Fresno Realtor.
Copyright 2011 SFI Marketing Institute, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Important Notice
Stephanie Greenberg, London Properties, and the Stop Foreclosure Institute are not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with the government. Our services have not been reviewed or endorse by the government or your lender. Most lenders willingly work with agents on short sales. Why?
Because most short sales are beneficial to a lender. If you accept our offer to help you on a short sale, your lender may not agree to a short sale or to modify your loan. We do offer a loan modification kit.
However, the likelihood of negotiating a modification is like everything else in life. It takes work and persistence to convince your lender to modify your loan. No matter what you or we do, your lender may not approve a loan modification.
We do not recommend that you stop paying your mortgage, because this will cause damage to your credit and could cause you to lose your home. Because we know avoiding foreclosure is so important to any homeowner, we recommend that you speak with the appropriate legal or tax advisor before making any decision.
This is not intended as legal, technical, or tax advice. Please speak with a licensed professional before making any decision. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed as of the date of writing.
You have the option to reject a short sale or loan modification from your lender if it does not meet your approval. If you decide not to go thru with the short sale, then you do not have to pay us our fee. We normally make a real estate sales commission for helping you on a short sale.
The views expressed here are Stephanie’s personal views and do not reflect the views of London Properties.
This information on Fresno Loan Mod Help: An Advanced Strategy To Stop Harassing Debt Collector Calls is provided as a courtesy to our viewers to help them make informed decisions.
Tags: fresno short sales
Fresno CA – Should you walk away or should you stay? Here is how to determine whether or not you should walk away from your home.
Because of the decline in the nationwide housing market, I doubt that your home is worth what you paid for it.
First, determine the current market value of your home. Talk to a realtor. They will give you a market analysis, based on what other homes similar to yours are selling for.
For example, we recently helped a home seller who had paid around $700,000 for his home. We thought the home was worth about $400,000. His mortgage payment was a little over $4500 a month.
When you add in the property taxes and insurance his total monthly payment was around $5,300 a month. Similar homes were renting for around $2,500 a month.
If you compared rental payments, he was way upside down on his home. We ran the numbers and saw that he was on track to repay $1,697,000 over the life of loan.
Next, let’s look at how much he would save by short selling and renting a similar house for two years. First, he would be saving $2500 a month by renting a similar home. In addition when he bought a similar home for $400,000 then he would repay around $934,000 over 30 years.
$1,697,000 minus $934,000 is $763,000. That means he would save $763,000 in mortgage payments over the next 30 years. What can you do with $763,000?
Would it make retirement easier? You probably could completely pay for 3-4 kid’s college tuition. Most people could put 6-7 kids thru college with that kind of money.
Or, he could retire a few years early. Enjoy a little bit more of the “Golden Years.”
It appears that he would be doing better for himself and his family by short selling the house. The bank was probably bailed out by the American Taxpayers. If he pays taxes, then he helped out with that bailout.
This is why I recommend that you look at all the numbers when you are trying to determine whether or not you should walk away. How much money will you be repaying over the life of the loan? Just Google “amortization calculator” and run the numbers.
Add up how much money you would be paying back with your current home and compare it to how much you would pay if you short sold, rented for two years, and bought another home after that.
Thinking about a loan modification?
Our loan modification guide will show you how to reduce your mortgage payment, keep your home, and get back on your feet. Send me an e-mail at steph@stephgreenberg.com to request a Free Copy.
When we talk, I will explain how the process works in detail and answer any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer, you can call me at (559) 916-4382
Thanks for reading this, Stephanie Greenberg.
Stephanie is a Real Estate Agent at London Properties. Fresno Short Sales Realtor:
Phone: (559) 916-4382. steph@stephgreenberg.com.
No Fancy Punchlines, Just GREAT Service!
View My homes for sale at www.stephgreenberg.com.
Stephanie Greenberg specializes in loan modification assistance and short sales in Fresno California. Fresno Loan Modification Help, Fresno Short Sales. Fresno Short Sale Realtor. Clovis CA Loan Modification Help, Clovis CA Short Sales. Clovis CA Short Sale Realtor. Fresno CA Short Sales. Fresno Realtor.
Copyright 2011 SFI Marketing Institute, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Important Notice
Stephanie Greenberg, London Properties, and the Stop Foreclosure Institute are not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with the government. Our services have not been reviewed or endorse by the government or your lender. Most lenders willingly work with agents on short sales. Why?
Because most short sales are beneficial to a lender. If you accept our offer to help you on a short sale, your lender may not agree to a short sale or to modify your loan. We do offer a loan modification kit.
However, the likelihood of negotiating a modification is like everything else in life. It takes work and persistence to convince your lender to modify your loan. No matter what you or we do, your lender may not approve a loan modification.
We do not recommend that you stop paying your mortgage, because this will cause damage to your credit and could cause you to lose your home. Because we know avoiding foreclosure is so important to any homeowner, we recommend that you speak with the appropriate legal or tax advisor before making any decision.
This is not intended as legal, technical, or tax advice. Please speak with a licensed professional before making any decision. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed as of the date of writing.
You have the option to reject a short sale or loan modification from your lender if it does not meet your approval. If you decide not to go thru with the short sale, then you do not have to pay us our fee. We normally make a real estate sales commission for helping you on a short sale.
The views expressed here are Stephanie’s personal views and do not reflect the views of London Properties.
This information on Fresno Loan Mod Help: Should I Walk Away or Stay? is provided as a courtesy to our viewers to help them make informed decisions.
Fresno CA – Maybe this is a pet peeve of mine. Or maybe it just seems ridiculous that someone would call a debtor over and over again asking to be paid, when they have already been told the debtor doesn’t have the money to pay them.
Or maybe it is the fact that I see countless examples of debt collectors breaking the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. But, no one seems to care that they are breaking the law.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act forbids collectors from threatening to sue you, but then not following thru and actually filing suit. To get around this rule, they will use language that sounds legal, but isn’t.
In one situation, a debt collection firm in Buffalo, New York named their firm Hoffman, Weinberg & O’Brien to make it sound like they were a law firm. They would then leave messages on people’s answering machines.
They would say they were with the office of Hoffman, Weinberg & O’Brien and then say they may resort to future legal action. Or they would say they were calling about a pre-legal matter.
In addition, they would reference case number 8306042. If you didn’t know any better, you would think the case number was for an actual lawsuit against you. Scary, right?
In addition, if a debtor tells them not to call anymore, then they are supposed to stop calling. They just keep on calling anyways. This is another example of them not obeying the law per the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?
I allege that they willingly and knowingly break the law repeatedly. This is why we put Number Seven onto the Homeowner’s Bill of Rights:
7. Stop the Debt Collector Harassment! The right to tell any and all debt collectors to stop calling and never receive a phone call from then again. In addition, this would include debt collectors that know the person’s phone number, but will call family members in an attempt to embarrass the debtor.
This is America people! Debtor’s prison was abolished two centuries ago! It’s time to update your activities to the Twenty-First Century!
Or take another example. A homeowner has never made a late payment in their entire life. They lose their job and find one in another state. The move, try to rent out their house, but can’t afford the payments.
They get behind on their mortgage payment and credit cards. They enter the world of non-stop harassment. Debt collectors call them non-stop. These people aren’t deadbeats. They are just struggling at the moment.
They won’t stop calling even when the debtor asks them to stop. They would pay if they had the money. But they don’t have it.
But, the people won’t stop calling. The constant phone calls make their home life miserable. Don’t you think it has gone too far?
I do. That’s why we need a Homeowner’s Bill Of Rights. Stop the debt collector harassment. What do you think? Please put your comments below.
Thinking about a loan modification?
Our Fresno loan modification guide will show you how to reduce your mortgage payment, keep your home, and get back on your feet. Send me an e-mail at steph@stephgreenberg.com to request a Free Copy.
When we talk, I will explain how the process works in detail and answer any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer, you can call me at (559) 916-4382
Thanks for reading this, Stephanie Greenberg.
Stephanie is a Real Estate Agent at London Properties. Fresno Short Sales Realtor:
Phone: (559) 916-4382. steph@stephgreenberg.com.
No Fancy Punchlines, Just GREAT Service!
View My homes for sale at www.stephgreenberg.com.
Stephanie Greenberg specializes in loan modification assistance and short sales in Fresno California. Fresno Loan Modification Help, Fresno Short Sales. Fresno Short Sale Realtor. Clovis CA Loan Modification Help, Clovis CA Short Sales. Clovis CA Short Sale Realtor. Fresno CA Short Sales. Fresno Realtor.
Copyright 2011 SFI Marketing Institute, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Important Notice
Stephanie Greenberg, London Properties, and the Stop Foreclosure Institute are not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with the government. Our services have not been reviewed or endorse by the government or your lender. Most lenders willingly work with agents on short sales. Why?
Because most short sales are beneficial to a lender. If you accept our offer to help you on a short sale, your lender may not agree to a short sale or to modify your loan. We do offer a loan modification kit.
However, the likelihood of negotiating a modification is like everything else in life. It takes work and persistence to convince your lender to modify your loan. No matter what you or we do, your lender may not approve a loan modification.
We do not recommend that you stop paying your mortgage, because this will cause damage to your credit and could cause you to lose your home. Because we know avoiding foreclosure is so important to any homeowner, we recommend that you speak with the appropriate legal or tax advisor before making any decision.
This is not intended as legal, technical, or tax advice. Please speak with a licensed professional before making any decision. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed as of the date of writing.
You have the option to reject a short sale or loan modification from your lender if it does not meet your approval. If you decide not to go thru with the short sale, then you do not have to pay us our fee. We normally make a real estate sales commission for helping you on a short sale.
The views expressed here are Stephanie’s personal views and do not reflect the views of London Properties.
This information on Fresno Loan Mod Help: Attn: Bankers. Stop harassing Americans for money they don’t have is provided as a courtesy to our viewers to help them make informed decisions.
Fresno CA – Yes, short sales actually help preserve home values in a neighborhood. Here is why.
Most people short sell their home while they are still living in the home. They are maintaining the home, mowing the yard, keeping the air conditioning on, etc.
Most bank owned properties are empty for 2-6 months, if not longer. No one maintains the home during that time period. Empty homes are easy targets for vandalism and thieves.
The grass and yard get overgrown. Pools deteriorate and the water turns green with algae.
In some Southern States, such as Florida, if a home is not air conditioned during the summer, then mold will grow on the walls inside.
In the Northern States, if a home is not heated during the winter, then pipes can ice up and break causing a lot of plumbing damage.
Even things as simple as sprinkler system can have problems when they aren’t used for 2-6 months. A sprinkler system contractor recently told us that if the system isn’t ran at least once a month, then it can have problems.
All these things added together cause bank owned homes to sell for much less than a short sale. That is why you should be proud that you are short selling your house.
You are doing a big part to help keep the housing market and your neighborhood. In addition, you are helping the entire economy because the housing market is such an important part of it.
Thinking about a Loan Modification?
Our loan modification kit will show you how to reduce your mortgage payment, keep your home, and get back on your feet. Send me an email at steph@stephgreenberg.com to request a Free Copy.
When we talk, I will explain how the process works in detail and answer any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer, you can call me at (559) 916-4382
Discover how other sellers successfully completed a short sale and request a free consultation by clicking here.
Thinking about a loan modification? Our Fresno loan modification kit has the instructions you will need to get a loan modification approved with your bank.
Thanks for reading this, Stephanie Greenberg.
Stephanie is a Real Estate Agent at London Properties. Fresno Short Sales Realtor:
Phone: (559) 916-4382. steph@stephgreenberg.com.
No Fancy Punchlines, Just GREAT Service!
View My homes for sale at www.stephgreenberg.com.
Stephanie Greenberg specializes in loan modification assistance and short sales in Fresno California. Fresno Loan Modification Help, Fresno Short Sales. Fresno Short Sale Realtor. Clovis CA Loan Modification Help, Clovis CA Short Sales. Clovis CA Short Sale Realtor. Fresno CA Short Sales. Fresno Realtor.
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When it comes to doing a home improvement you have to look at it two ways. The first way is “How long do I plan on living in this home? How long am I going to use or enjoy the improvement I am potentially going to make to my home? What is the value of the improvement to you that you put into the house?” For instance if you’re going to put in a pool, are you going to get one seasonal year of use out of it or are you gong to be able to enjoy it for a long time?
The second thing is to ask, “How soon am I going to be selling my home? Am I going to get the value out of it when I sell the home?” So many people make the wrong improvements that end up costing them thousands and thousands of dollars. There are different improvements to make based on those two questions and the answers you give.
The bottom line is that improvements to the kitchen pay off every time. No “ifs”, “ands”, or “buts” about it. This is where life happens for most families. This is where you talk with your family, where you enjoy dinners together, where you help your kids with their homework, and where most people tend to gather with friends and family. You’ve got to really consider, are you going to get a lot of use and enjoyment out of remodeling your kitchen? The answer is, undoubtedly, yes. It’s also pretty affordable to do with today’s pre-fab units, etc. You can generally get a kitchen remodeled for between $2,000-$5,000. Remember most good memories are made in the kitchen. This means that even if you’re not staying in the house, the improvement will pay off when you sell it because kitchens are a huge selling point.
Fix any of those glaring repair issues. These are the little things that stare at you each day of your life; a cracked window, a wobbly doorknob, a shower door that won’t close unless you lift it a certain way. Buyers see these small things all together and will walk away saying “I’m not going to buy this home because that repair is going to cost me money.” The truth is, small repairs are inexpensive to fix; however, buyers over exaggerate the expensive of fixing these small repairs. Whether you stay in the house or sell it, these small, glaring fixes that you keep putting off will have to be done either way if you are selling or not. The smallest of repairs can make a huge difference, so fix that screen on the front door, patch that hole in the wall where the door knob hit & put a door stopper in to keep it from happening again. These small, “nickel and dime” repairs stand out to those viewing your home and they will overprice what it’s going to cost them to fix them. They think in terms of “this house isn’t exactly in move-in condition,” even if it truly is and the fixes are literally small projects that can take only a few minutes. In the end these small fixes can lead to a sale.
Next, you want to spruce up your home so it looks good at first glance. As we said before, little things make a big difference. Cosmetic things such as new carpeting, a fresh coat of paint, and putting fresh bark in the landscaping make a huge difference. Note; if you have any pets you will want to wait until 2-3 weeks before you put your home on the market to replace the carpet. There’s a saying that goes, “Big doors hang on little hinges.” You’re going to get a 90% return on investment with these types of investments. Spend $10 and get $100 back in value when you sell your home.
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